Careers Info

Sprinkler Fitter Apprentice

Full Time Position | Sydney • CBD, Inner West & Eastern Suburbs

Work + Study = Nationally recognised qualification

  • Adult and mature apprentices are also encouraged to apply
  • Fantastic opportunity to join Fire Protection Industry
  • Open to all Apprentices, new and currently attending TAFE
  • Great Remuneration and Conditions on offer

The apprenticeship on offer is with the IMEA Group and apprentices may rotate between all companies within the Group, including Infinity Fire Protection Pty Ltd, Prime Pumps Pty Ltd and Prime Water Australia Pty Ltd.

At IMEA we are keen to grow Tradespeople with the skills, knowledge and capabilities required to provide quality products and services to our valued customers.

You will bring:

  • Motivated to Listen. Learn and Continuously Improve
  • Great attitude;
  • Sensible approach;
  • Physical fitness;
  • Mechanical aptitude
  • Commitment to Safety and Quality

All Apprentices have the opportunity to grow their career within the Group.

Experience and skills required:

Applicants should have reached a minimum standard equivalent to the completion of Year 12, as well as having a current driver's licence (Red P's minimum) with the ability to drive a manual vehicle.

For this role you will need to be able to demonstrate a mechanical aptitude, motivation to complete your studies and obtain your Licenced Trade Qualifications and your unequivocal commitment to workplace safety and quality. Due to the physical nature of this work, a good level of fitness is desirable.

What to include with your application

Please apply online with your resume and a cover letter telling us why you should be considered for this role?

Recent school leavers should include copies of latest school reports, character references and work experience details.

Please remember to include your cover letter when you apply with your resume.

Sprinkler Fitter Apprentice Application Form

FPAA Bronze Member I Control Panels Australia

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